2021 - Year in Review

Welcome to our second annual Year in Review post, where we as a team look back over everything we’ve achieved this year. 2021 Has been by far our biggest year yet, and 2022 is looking to be just as big for us as well. 

If you recall our previous Year in Review post, the goals we had planned at the beginning of the year were completely different from what we ended up actually achieving. This is largely due to our decision to cease development on our early Alpha test, Trials of the Great Spirit. We had many plans for TOGS that ultimately never made it to fruition, but we believe this decision has ultimately been for the better. Because of it, we were able to put more of our focus towards other areas, which has resulted in a tremendous amount of progress and growth for us as a team.

The first major accomplishment we made was the release of the final update for Masks of Power: Legacy back in May. This update, which had been under development for 2 and a half years, gave a proper sendoff to Legacy—the game that started it all back in 2016. This final release for the original version of the game marks a big milestone for us as a team, especially as we move forward with developing BIONICLE: Masks of Power. We’d like to thank everyone who’s played Legacy, both in its current state and in all it’s previous iterations. This game is the foundation that we’ve built Team Kanohi off of, and we’re extremely happy with how it’s turned out.

This leads to our second major accomplishment of the year: revealing the first look at BIONICLE: Masks of Power. Our team has been hard at work on this game for nearly 5 years at this point, and we’re glad that we were able to share even a small look at what we’re capable of achieving as a team. We can’t wait until we’re able to share even more about the game, so be sure to keep an eye out on our social media for updates!

Also continuing strong this year were our weekly livestreams, which we held every saturday on Jocool1231’s YouTube channel, as well as our stream highlight videos, which also had weekly releases throughout the year. We’ve played every single Bionicle game, done improvised fandubs of the movies, and even had the chance to show off some other fan projects as well. However, starting in 2022, these livestreams will be undergoing some changes. Since the amount of Bionicle-related content left to stream is wearing thin, These livestreams won’t be continuing under the Team Kanohi name. You’ll still be able to join us every week at the same place, but there’ll be a wider range of games and content than just things related to Bionicle. To mark the occasion, we’ve created a compilation of some of the best moments from our livestreams in one last highlight video. Thank you to everyone who’s watched and supported our livestreams this past year, be it through watching live, or through our highlight videos. We hope you’ll keep supporting them as they continue!

That covers all of our major accomplishments from this past year. Moving into 2022, we’re continuing to work hard on Masks of Power behind the scenes, and we hope to be able to show off more of it soon. This devlog is starting to fill up with lots of retrospective posts… and we’re sure you’re just as eager as we are to start seeing more news and updates here instead. We’re still working on a demo of the game, which will show off finalized gameplay mechanics and art assets, and will give players their first taste of BIONICLE: Masks of Power. There is still no planned release window for the demo, but please remain patient as we continue to work towards creating the best game that we can.

That’s it for our year in review. We’re incredibly thankful to all our fans who have helped us grow so much over this past year. It’s been a lot of work to have accomplished this much in 2021, and we still have a lot of work ahead of us. But we hope you’re looking forward to everything we have planned for 2022 as much as we are.

Thank you for reading, and may the Great Spirit guide you.
